Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

January 2022

Announcing our Jira integration

Jira is one of the most popular task management products available today, and for good reason: it's been around for a long time. The team at Atlassian is constantly working to improve the way users can utilize their software, but for a long time if you wanted to integrate with Jira as a developer, your options were generally limited to the Jira API.

Upcoming Feature Changes - Q1 2022

Here at Ghost Inspector, we’re continually rolling out changes that we think make our customer's lives better. Occasionally that means undoing some bit of logic we created or allowed in the past in order to move the product in a direction that makes it more powerful for everyone. We have a couple of changes coming next month that we think are going to be helpful to our customers, but they do change how some logic currently works.

Keep Your Tests in Sync with Code Versioning

Keeping up to the pace of software changes with good acceptance tests is challenging, and can often put a lot of pressure on the relationships between teams. Being able to detect issues faster and earlier in the development cycle is crucial to shipping good software quickly, but communicating those changes is always challenging -- and if software changes, so must the tests.