Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

September 2024

9 Types of Software Testing that QA Testers Should Know

Quality Assurance testers play an important role in verifying that company software maintains its functionality and reliability. Because the world of software testing is an expansive one, QA testers should equip themselves with an understanding of which types of software testing are most relevant to their daily tasks. With so many different software testing types, it can be overwhelming knowing where to start.

What Is Automation Testing, and How Does It Fit into a QA Workflow?

If you work in Quality Assurance testing, you know that automated browser testing saves every tester from hours upon hours of manual test work. But exactly what is automation testing, and how does it fit into a typical QA workflow? We’ve got the full explanation for you in this straightforward guide on the basics of automation testing, how it can transform your QA process, and how to get started with test automation tools like Ghost Inspector.

What is End-to-End Testing? A Simple Tester Guide

End-to-end testing (E2E) is an important part of the software development process, serving as a comprehensive way to verify that applications and systems work properly not only in the testing enviroment, but also in real-life scenarios. It provides a level of assurance that your application will correctly exhibit behavior from start to finish.