[Webinar] Staying Productive while "Testing from Home"

[Webinar] Staying Productive while "Testing from Home"

May 4, 2020

As we all know, the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on businesses and individuals are still increasing. Many companies have switched to work-from-home mode to protect their employees and to comply with government restrictions.

Join the sharing session with our experts to get updated on the latest trends in test automation, adopt the best practices to work from home, and see what the community is doing to overcome this challenging time.

You will learn:

  • The key insights, the difficulties, and challenges that testers are facing during the COVID-19 outbreak, extracted from our survey
  • Tips and best practices to become a Productivity Hero when working at home
  • How to leverage Katalon Studio ready-made plugins to stay up-to-date with test execution status, improve productivity, and optimize team collaboration for working remotely