Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

April 2021

Shift-left testing and creating a culture of quality with Simon Prior - k6 Office Hours

Shift-left testing means testing earlier in a cycle, but it also means making quality everybody's concern. Simon Prior joins us to talk about how to create a culture of quality that extends to the whole application team and even the whole organization. k6 Office Hours is a weekly livestream hosted by Nicole van der Hoeven and Simon Aronsson to talk about performance and reliability testing, best practices, and all things k6.

The future of load testing with k6, with k6 CEO Robin Gustafsson (k6 Office Hours)

We peek behind the curtain and talk to Robin Gustafsson, the CEO of Load Impact (k6), about future plans for k6 and the direction we'd like to see performance testing go in. Robin weighs in on test result analysis, site reliability engineering, browser-based tools, and chaos engineering. k6 Office Hours is a weekly livestream hosted by Nicole van der Hoeven and Simon Aronsson to talk about performance and reliability testing, best practices, and all things k6.