Shift-left testing and creating a culture of quality with Simon Prior - k6 Office Hours

Shift-left testing and creating a culture of quality with Simon Prior - k6 Office Hours

Apr 24, 2021

Shift-left testing means testing earlier in a cycle, but it also means making quality everybody's concern. Simon Prior joins us to talk about how to create a culture of quality that extends to the whole application team and even the whole organization.

k6 Office Hours is a weekly livestream hosted by Nicole van der Hoeven and Simon Aronsson to talk about performance and reliability testing, best practices, and all things k6.

0:00 Intro
2:49 Testing Peers podcast
4:50 Podcast recommendations
5:50 k6 announcement: Bintray sunset and changing your CI jobs
7:58 About Simon
11:00 Is quality subjective or objective?
15:35 What is a culture of quality?
18:03 Defining your quality narrative
26:29 A great team starts with a leader
30:02 Find every opportunity to talk about quality
31:52 Find your allies
32:43 Speak the language of the business
37:01 Shifting testing left and quality culture
44:26 How does shifting left affect dev/test roles?
53:50 "Software tester in development"
57:20 Neurodiversity and how to be an ally
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Learn more about Simon Prior and Testing Peers:
Testing Peers Podcast:
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