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June 2020

Getting Started With Sauce Labs

In this session, Sauce Labs Senior Solution Engineer Molly Driscoll provides a high-level view of the Sauce Labs UI and of automated tests running in parallel, including test artifacts (logs, images, videos) and broad organization usage metrics. Learn how Sauce Labs can help your company deliver a flawless customer experience in every interaction with your web and mobile apps.

Selenium 101

In this session, Sauce Labs Senior Solution Architect and Selenium project core contributor Titus Fortner provides an overview of what Selenium is and how it works. He then breaks down the seven components of all Selenium tests before diving into various ways to start sessions and locate elements. Finally, the session ends with a walkthrough of all the major functionality for working with elements and various browser components.

Selenium 101 with Titus Fortner

In this session, Sauce Labs Senior Solutions Architect and Selenium project core contributor Titus Fortner provides an overview of what Selenium is and how it works. He then breaks down the seven components of all Selenium tests before diving into various ways to start sessions and locate elements. Finally, the session ends with a walkthrough of all the major functionality for working with elements and various browser components.

Getting Started with Sauce Labs

In this session, Sauce Labs Senior Solution Engineer Stan Williams provides a high-level view of the Sauce Labs UI and of automated tests running in parallel, including test artifacts (logs, images, videos) and broad organization usage metrics. Learn how Sauce Labs can help your company deliver a flawless customer experience in every interaction with your web and mobile apps.

Goodbye Sample Test Frameworks, Hello Sauce Training Repo

All good things need to come to an end. In this case, that’s true of the Sauce Sample Test Frameworks GitHub organization. While these sample frameworks are now gone, they’re not forgotten. In fact, we’ve replaced them with something better. In the past, this organization provided barebones examples of connecting to Sauce Labs with sample frameworks in a large variety of languages and tools. These frameworks were mainly based on Selenium and testing a basic web page.

How to Test Image Upload Functionality

In today’s online world, every digital experience is a reflection of your brand—which is why mobile application testing should be at the forefront of your testing strategy. Whether it’s a picture of a check, a selfie, or a QR code, images can be uploaded to mobile apps for many reasons. Behind the scenes, the application has to do some amount of processing and storage.

Creating Digital Confidence with Data

Digital confidence, the feeling that everyone in your organization expects your application to work exactly as it was designed, is a journey that requires a number of strategic and tactical considerations. From cultural buy-in from the top to tooling and resources that help support continuous testing at scale, there are a number of things that can help build confidence that your applications are providing flawless user experiences.

Headless Testing Primer

This white paper presents a primer on headless browser testing - what it is, how it works, and where it fits within a quality strategy that includes other types of testing (such as cross browser, front-end performance, and more). It is a must-read for any team that is considering shifting testing left, and provides insight into how you can get started with headless testing.