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May 2023

The Do's and Don'ts of Exploratory Testing

Exploratory testing is a testing approach that includes simultaneously learning from/about the system, documenting the steps, executing the test, and reflecting on the results. Since exploratory testing is unstructured and not constrained to a specified collection of test cases, it differs from scripted testing. Instead, using their expertise, creativity, and intuition, testers execute tests that may reveal defects or other issues in the product.

The impact of model-based test case design on automation

Research has shown that 35% of companies find manual software testing to be the most time-consuming part of the software development life cycle. Because manual testing is so time consuming, test automation has been growing as a solid way to improve ROI. From reduced tester fatigue and greater productivity to a better product and faster time to market – building a robust test automation framework can add numerous benefits to your team.

How to use test charters for effective exploratory testing?

Exploratory testing is a dynamic and creative approach to software testing that emphasizes your freedom and responsibility to adapt to changing testing conditions. However, without a clear direction or purpose, getting lost in testing without achieving meaningful results can be easy. This is where test charters come in. In this article, we will explore what test charters are and how to use them to optimize your exploratory testing process.