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February 2022

Automating MLOps for Deep Learning: How to Operationalize DL With Minimal Effort

Operationalizing AI pipelines is notoriously complex. For deep learning applications, the challenge is even greater, due to the complexities of the types of data involved. Without a holistic view of the pipeline, operationalization can take months, and will require many data science and engineering resources. In this blog post, I'll show you how to move deep learning pipelines from the research environment to production, with minimal effort and without a single line of code.

The Complete Guide to Using the Iguazio Feature Store with Azure ML - Part 4

Last time in this blog series, we provided an overview of how to leverage the Iguazio Feature Store with Azure ML in part 1. We built out a training workflow that leveraged Iguazio and Azure, trained several models via Azure's AutoML using the data from Iguazio's feature store in part 2. Finally, we downloaded the best models back to Iguazio and logged them using the experiment tracking hooks in part 3. In this final blog, we will.