Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

October 2021

5 Reasons Why Consolidating Your Analytics Data Is A Good Investment

Data is the lifeblood that runs through your organization. It powers automated workflows, gives customer service reps the full story every time the phone rings, drives every upgrade planned for a product, informs decision-making leaders on what to focus next, and an endless list of etceteras. Wouldn’t it be amazing to have all your data in one place? Yes. Can you? Well…. It’s complicated.

User Profiles Are Indispensable to Great CX (and They Must Be Privacy-Compliant)

Until not very long ago, many organizations defined business strategies based on isolated figures used by isolated teams. Unfortunately for them, that approach just won’t cut it anymore. Instead, we are fastly moving to a world where data will be the critical asset for businesses, and handling it accurately will be essential to survival.