Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

September 2022

Achieving Product Analytics Maturity in Only 4 Steps

“What should you and your business focus on when trying to create better customer journeys and beat competition?” That was the question we asked Countly data captains (also known as Countly customers) when trying to determine how well they collect customer experience metrics and how well they were using that data to make data-driven decisions.

Why is Customer Feedback so Important for the FinTech Industry?

Some time ago, we covered the key metrics that a Product Manager in a fintech organization should make a top priority when determining their KPIs, breaking them down into five groups: Session-based data, Customer Feedback, Technical Metrics, Action Stats, and Revenue. With that in mind, we conducted a series of surveys on LinkedIn, asking PMs in the fintech industry which of those groups were the most important for them while running digital product analytics.