Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

July 2024

The Importance of Product Analytics Approach And How Can Benefit Your Business

Being inundated with tools and platforms to track, analyze, and optimize your products can be extremely overwhelming, and most of the time, you just get lost in the process of managing all the tools, without really achieving anything actionable. While having access to specialized tools can be beneficial, managing multiple analytics solutions can become counterproductive.

The Data Challenges Faced by the Telecom Industry (And How to Overcome Them)

As you read this article, chances are your internet-connected smartphone is right beside you, your most-used daily device. This widespread use of smartphones we’re witnessing today, along with the explosion of IoT devices and high-speed networks, presents telecom companies with unprecedented challenges in managing customer experience and technical operations. The massive influx of data demands sophisticated analytics, but Countly is up for the challenge.