Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

November 2021

Moesif API Analytics is SOC 2 Compliant

Moesif is pleased to announce that it has successfully completed its SOC 2 Certification. The Moesif API Analytics Platform has now been independently verified to comply with the highest standards of security. Through completion of this comprehensive level of certification, Moesif has demonstrated that it can reliably and securely maintain the confidentiality, availability and integrity of enterprises’ critical data assets.

Adding user tracking to your Node.js RESTful API with Moesif

Join Matt as he shows users how to add user tracking to your Node.js RESTful API with Moesif. In this tutorial, we will cover how to: Tracking users' server-side interaction greatly increases the value of API monitoring and analytics. With Moesif, begin tracking your API calls by user in a matter of minutes.

Vanity Metrics for APIs vs Tracking Business Value From API Transactions

As an API product manager, you want your API to have a great developer experience. This means that developers can get up and running quickly, they get consistent behavior from your API, it’s easy for them to troubleshoot any errors they encounter, and your API makes it easy for them to address their business needs. Tracking your APIs is an important part of understanding how well they perform, which leads most organizations to build out their own internal API tracking systems.