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April 2021

Lighthouse Performance Metrics: What They Are & How to Improve Them

Google has made page speed a ranking factor in mobile searches for quite sometime now. Thus measuring performance has become a key part of any web development project. Performance, accessibility and general SEO best practices are major factors in search engine rankings. Your site's performance can have a big impact on how it is perceived. It can be stated as how fast a website is, or how good the user experience is with the site.

Debugging in PHP

PHP is a great language to start with when you are learning how to code. It has a simple syntax, it’s easy to learn and you can make dynamic websites with it. But even though it’s easy to write PHP code, it’s not always easy to debug. There are a lot of tools out there that can help you, but since PHP is an interpreted language, you can also use a couple of debugging techniques to help you find bugs in your code. In this blog post I'll cover the the following sections.