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October 2022

Configuring & Debugging a Multibranch Kubernetes-Native Pipeline with Argo

We always want to use the best of the best when it comes to Kubernetes tooling. We keep up with the latest projects, download them when ready to try them out, and see where they could fit in our development work here at Rookout. As part of our migration to Kubernetes native tools, our most important goal is to make it seamless and smooth so our developers will stay agile, fast, and happy. For some of that migration, we’ve faced some challenges, particularly with pipelines.

Ruby & JVM A JRuby Love Story by Yarden Laifenfeld

When starting a new project, one of the first things we ask ourselves is what language we should use. This question doesn’t have an absolute answer, and we often find ourselves facing even more questions, such as: Do we want a language that is object oriented? Should we opt only for languages with garbage collectors? Is being able to interact directly with memory important to us? Does the language have popular and well maintained frameworks that match our specific needs? Do we care more about readability or performance?

Live Debugging Gets Easier: Announcing New Rookout Plugins for JetBrains IDEs

Every developer has experienced the pain of debugging. We know that you know what we’re talking about. Who hasn’t been lost jumping between different windows troubleshooting their code, log-jammed trying to track bugs in a pile of logs, or been caught screaming at a rubber duck that’s blankly staring back at them? But it shouldn’t be that way.