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July 2019

5 Ways Stream Analytics Can Take Patient Care to The Next Level

The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is a connected system of smart medical devices and applications that have the capability to stream and process data wirelessly in the cloud. These connected devices remotely monitor patient vitals and activities, which can then be used by medical officers to administer proactive care with personalized treatment plans through stream analytics in healthcare.

Quality Data = Quality Results: Why Data Quality Management Matters

Organizations across various industries capitalize on business opportunities with the help of advanced analytics that work to capture and convert data into value-creating insights. Capturing value from data needs a disciplined focus on data quality management to ensure the organization only harnesses good data for analysis to inform decisions and drive positive outcomes. However, failure to manage data quality will impose unwanted costs, risks, and reputation damage.

4 Ways the Healthcare Industry Can Benefit from Predictive Analytics

In the realm of healthcare, data and reports have always played a significant role. Medical charts, electronic health records, health surveys—doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and hospital personnel have long relied on these to base their diagnosis and make their decisions. But a fast-paced industry will need more than just the basic patient intelligence and visualizations to keep up with the growing patient base and scientific demands.