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April 2020

OctoPerf 11.7 - Pacing, Monitoring, Dynatrace and More

This new release of OctoPerf brings a lot of long awaited features. This is all based on your feedback, so make sure to let us know what you would like to see in OctoPerf next! Of course we have a few plans of our own for the future, but I strongly believe that a good software can only result from a good collaboration between users and developers.

Asynchronous API Performance Testing With JMeter

The principles behind performance testing API’s does not differ from the principles behind the performance testing of any application. Many API’s however are Asynchronous and a valid response from the API does not necessarily mean the transaction is complete which can cause a problem when measuring the performance of API’s. There are however ways around this and we will explore these in this post.

Cypress: The Web Testing Framework of the Moment

Cypress is one of the best web testing frameworks created so far. With more and more new web development frameworks on the market, it’s harder and harder to find an end to end testing or integration testing framework that would work well in any situation. In the recent years, we’ve seen a spike in web development frameworks, from Angular 1 or Angular 2, to the more popular React and VueJs, to new one like Svelte, and less popular like EmberJs and BackboneJs.