Kong: Protect Your Applications and APIs with Real-Time Protection and Traffic Management

Kong: Protect Your Applications and APIs with Real-Time Protection and Traffic Management


From the Traffic Management perspective, developers and operators should address multiple security requirements across all communications layers. For example:

  • Security threats related to OWASP Top 10, business logic attacks, application DDOS, brute force attacks, API abuse and misuse, and others
  • Layer 7 related requirements such as OAuth/OIDC based authentication processes, end user-oriented access control logic combining multiple policies to define new policy abstraction, API Keys, mTLS encrypted tunnels, and many others.

This webinar will showcase a comprehensive and seamless traffic management and security solution across platforms avoiding silos and re-work.

Attendees will experience how to adopt Signal Sciences and Kong Konnect as the preferred platform for mission-critical secured applications.

This webinar uses the experience of hundreds of practitioners and experts that have successfully implemented microservices within and across Signal Sciences and Kong Konnect at their organizations.