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Lack of Governance, Infrastructure Readiness, and IT Talent Leading to Enterprise GenAI Struggles: New Report

Nearly all organizations surveyed view GenAI as a top 5 priority, but just 44% have comprehensive governance policies in place. Organizations cite security, infrastructure, and data management as top barriers to adoption.

Simple, Sustainable, and Secure Storage for Mid-sized Enterprises

The mid-sized enterprise is the fastest-growing market opportunity for data storage. But not just any storage system will do. These days, mid-sized enterprises must handle the complexities of unremitting data growth and distributed infrastructure, meet sustainability goals, manage the diverse storage needs of mission-critical applications, and respond to user requirements. Oh, and they need uninterrupted access to their data no matter what.

The Era of the Never-Ending Cyber Attack: The Closed Loop Process and DPaaS

Cyber attacks are not going away. In fact, the increased frequency in the past couple of years is startling. There were 2,365 breaches in the U.S. in 2023 with 343.3M victims. This represented a 72% increase since 2021, which held the previous all-time record. And the numbers are only expected to grow. Organizations are rightly concerned about their own preparedness and ability to stay operational in the face of these threats.

What to Look for in an Enterprise Infrastructure Service Provider

In the current constantly evolving hybrid cloud enterprise business environment, reliable and efficient infrastructure services for consulting, implementation and operations are critical for organizations to thrive. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, choosing the right infrastructure services provider can significantly impact your operations, scalability, and overall success. Here’s what to look for in an enterprise infrastructure services provider.

Core Infrastructure Requirements for Today's Data Workloads

There's no doubt that, as a technology provider/integrator, you're likely seeing many customers across all segments looking to advanced analytics and artificial intelligence for optimizing their growth. Given the vast volume of data that these innovations consume or create, it's clear to see the importance of being able to offer your customers reliable, secure, sustainable and scalable data infrastructure solutions.

Ensuring Comprehensive Cyber Resilience and Business Continuity

When a data breach occurs, your response is critical. What do you do first? Do you have a plan for communicating with business units, regulators and other concerned parties? The integrity and security of data infrastructure stand as paramount concerns for business leaders across all sectors. As technology evolves and threats become more sophisticated, the pursuit of an unbreakable data infrastructure remains an ongoing challenge.

GenAI: Navigating the Risks That Come with Change

For enterprises, commercial use of AI is still in its early stages, and it’s a case of risk and reward, weighing up both and investigating the best way forward. Of course, there’s much to gain from the use of AI. Already, companies are providing better customer service, parsing complex information through natural language inputs, and generally making workflows faster.