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Runtime Errors in Ruby

Exceptions are unintended events that take place when a program is being executed or during its runtime causing disruptions to the program's overall logic. In Ruby, a program is enclosed between the begin and end blocks and a rescue block is used to tell what types of exceptions are to be handled. When no class is specified, by default, a RuntimeError is raised by Kernel#raise.

How to Handle the Unpermitted Parameters Error in Ruby

The ActionController::UnpermittedParameters error occurs when a parameter that has been passed is not permitted in a create, an update, or a user-defined action. In older versions of Rails, information about the unpermitted keys was provided in the logs only when an unpermitted parameter was found in a request. This did not provide enough information for the developers to understand which controller and action received the unpermitted parameters.

How to Handle io.netty.handler. timeout.ReadTimeout Exception in Java

The io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutException is a runtime exception in Java that is thrown when no data is read within a certain period of time when using the Netty framework. Since the io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutException is thrown at runtime, it does not need to be declared in the throws clause of a method or constructor.

How to Avoid java.util.concurrent. TimeoutException

The java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException is a checked exception in Java that is thrown when a blocking operation times out. Since java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException is a checked exception, it must be explicitly handled in methods which can throw this exception - either by using a try-catch block or by throwing it using the throws clause.

What is Migration in Rails?

Migration in Rails is a tool that allows the developer to use Ruby to change an application's database schema. Instead of using SQL scripts, we use Ruby code, which is database independent, so it is easy to move the application to a completely new platform. We define these database changes in domain-specific language (DSL), and these migrations can be rolled back and managed along with the application source code.