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It's Time To Turn On The Light With Dynamic Log Verbosity

As we recently discussed, many of us are still lost in the darkness, grasping for a log line to shed some light on the issue we are trying to troubleshoot. Many of our customers and colleagues have shared the following challenges with us: But what if we didn’t have to make such a choice? What if we could easily and efficiently switch on exactly the logs we needed, without hurting our application?

Get To The Root Cause Faster With Rookout's Live Debugger - Now Available On The Azure Marketplace

We have recently launched our disruptive Live Debugger on the Azure Marketplace, making it easier than ever before for teams on the Microsoft stack to slash the time they invest in debugging. We are excited about this, as we have been working closely with Microsoft to make sure that both large international enterprises as well as smaller and scaling startups have direct access to Rookout, to make the most out of our dynamic observability solutions.

It's Time We All Stop Cursing The Darkness

To paraphrase a popular Chinese proverb: “It is better to light a log line than to curse the darkness”. And yet it’s 2021, and many of us are still lost in the dark, struggling to find a match, praying for that one missing log line that would have pointed us in the right direction. How did things get this bad? Since time immemorial, we have relied on logging as the first trustworthy, intuitive, and straightforward debugging method.

The Benefits of Bringing Together Debugging and Tracing Data

The rise in digital transformation over the past few years means that more and more companies are adopting cloud native technologies. While these distributed architectures provide scalability and agility, they also increase complexity. As Arnal Dayaratna, research director in software development for IDC, writes, “One of the challenges faced by contemporary developers is the task of understanding applications that they may not have even developed or used .”

Resilience Is an R&D Problem, Not Just an SRE Problem

Imagine that you’re at your company’s all-hands meeting and one of the sellers is proudly ringing the office gong to celebrate closing a big deal with a client who’s on the other side of the world. It’s a big deal because it’s a major project. Their logo is going to look sleek on your website, and you are finally breaking into a new region of the world. But two months after the project kicks off, the situation isn’t looking as rosy.

How Real-Time Debugging Improves Reliability

When designing and building software, service reliability is always at the top of the list of critical focus areas for development teams. Every team that builds software typically has, either directly or indirectly, service level agreements with their customers. These are, essentially, agreed-upon metrics or performance criteria that teams use to measure and ensure the reliability of a software system.

The Definitive Guide To Kubernetes Application Debugging

Often hailed as a game-changer, Kubernetes has altered the way that organizations deploy and manage their software, making the job of handling larger and more complex workloads easier. Yet, with its advantages of velocity and scale come new challenges, particularly in how developers approach debugging their code. The highly distributed nature of Kubernetes that makes it so effective for handling cloud-native software means that the traditional approaches to debugging are no longer applicable.

When 'Good Enough' Isn't Good Or Enough

You know the phrase “good enough”? As in, “it’s good enough right now, we can worry about fixing it in the future”? Well, when it comes to software development, I really hate that phrase. Let me explain why. Simply, it’s because the concept of ‘good enough’ isn’t true. It’s the best type of paradox. Something is either good or it’s holding you back.

Getting By With A Little Help From My Visual Tracing

When working with Rookout customers, one of the most commonly heard requests we hear is a plea for “context”. When trying to debug a complex applications, setting a Non-Breaking Breakpoint and fetching a full view of local variables and stack trace is a necessary first step. But in a complex, distributed environment, this first step is not always enough.

5 Tips to Improve Kubernetes Understandability

When you talk to an enterprise development team these days, there is a good chance they are in the midst of either migrating applications to the cloud or building a Cloud Native greenfield application. While there are many approaches to running those applications in the cloud, Kubernetes often comes to the forefront as the platform of choice. It provides a powerful container orchestration platform, which provides plenty of room for growth as your application evolves.