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Take monitoring of your apps to the next level | Bitrise Webinar

Do you want to see how your app performs in your users’ hands? That’s why we have monitoring tools! Mobile monitoring is to understand how the app is performing from the perspective of the user. It consist of multiple different aspects like crash reporting and analytics, user experience monitoring, or log and network monitoring. In this webinar, we'll discuss the importance of mobile app monitoring and the different approaches, the changes in mobile observability and data privacy.

The Road to MobileDevTestOps - Kobiton Odyssey 2021 presentation by Moataz Nabil

Join Moataz Nabil for this explainer on MobileDevTestOps, and a description of the common journey mobile engineering organisations go through to reach this stage of continuous testing. This presentation, watched live by attendees of Kobiton's Odyssey 2021 testing conference, explores the role of QA and testing in mobile DevOps processes. Specifically, it deep-dives into the notion of Mobile DevTestOps, it's challenges and how they're addressed by both large and small mobile product engineering organisations.