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Verified Steps on Bitrise: Introduction

A Verified Step means that the owner of a service or tool or an open source team guarantees secure, maintained, consistent, and high-quality performance for any Bitrise user. Our official Bitrise Steps are maintained by us, whereas our Community Steps are maintained by the community. It’s easy to decide which type a Step falls into on our GUI. Thank you for watching! Please feel free to comment your thoughts below.

Data Theorem | Verified Steps on Bitrise

Data Theorem is a leading provider in modern application security with a core mission to analyze and secure any modern application anytime, anywhere. And guess what? You can find Data Theorem Mobile Secure in Bitrise's Step Library! While other security-focused Steps perform the security analysis during the build time — and making build times longer — this Step sends the artifact to Data Theorem. This way the build keeps running the regular way, regardless of the result of the analysis.

Community Creations: Bitrise Reports by Ubiratan Soares

Developer Advocate Kevin Toms talked with Ubiratan Soares, creator of Bitrise Reports about this open source project and Bitrise's open source API. Being able to extend the functionality that Bitrise provides, by writing your own apps that exploit the openness of the API is an added value feature of Bitrise. And, good use of this possibility has already been made by existing Bitrise users.

WWDC 2021: Expectations vs. Reality - Recap discussion with iOS experts

The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference happened between June 7- 11, and it kept the entire iOS developer community in constant buzz for weeks. On WWDC 2021, we got a first look at the latest Apple platforms, tools, and technologies, and we were thrilled to discuss all that happened with the iOS dev community!

Community Creations: Bitrise Open Source & the API - Introducing the Bitrise Wall mobile app

Being able to extend the functionality that Bitrise provides, by writing your own Apps that exploit the openness of the API is an added value feature of Bitrise. And, good use of this possibility has already been made by existing Bitrise users. A case in point is Bitrise Wall, created by Jas Manigundan. This is an app for both iOS and Android that allows you to monitor the activity of your builds and even download the latest app version directly from your mobile phone.

Bitrise for Indie Developers | A walkthrough by Kevin Toms

If you are an indie developer working on mobile apps, you have plenty of challenges to look out for on top of creating a great app. Bitrise can help with these and other challenges through the Bitrise CI/CD cloud-based platform and its integrations with other systems and tools. Kevin Toms, Developer Advocate is here to guide you through the whole process of using Bitrise if you are an indie developer.

Scale-up Mobile UI Tests - Moataz Nabil at Google Cloud Budapest | Bitrise Talks

Join Moataz Nabil for his talk about scale-up mobile UI tests with Firebase Test Lab, Cloud Function and Bitrise! 🚀 This presentation was watched live by attendees at Google Cloud Budapest 2021. At this meetup, attendees talk about interesting case studies and share some tips and tricks on infrastructure, app dev, data engineering, and machine learning. Presenter: Moataz Nabil | Developer Advocate at Bitrise ‎ Thank you for watching! Please feel free to comment your thoughts below.