Genymotion | Verified Steps on Bitrise

Genymotion | Verified Steps on Bitrise

Aug 25, 2021

With Genymotion Cloud SaaS, QA engineers can spawn many Android virtual devices in the Cloud in parallel and test at scale. With Bitrise, a Continuous Integration & Delivery platform dedicated to mobile apps, users can use a powerful UI to create workflows easily, which then can build, test and deploy an app and improve efficiency by setting up the whole mobile application dev lifecycle environment.

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Bitrise Verified Steps are official integrations developed and maintained by the service owner. If you'd like to know more about our Verified Step Program and create your Verified Step, read more about it here. Feel free to reach out to us on Twitter or on our public Slack with your experiences about the Step, or to send us any great ideas that would help mobile devs in their daily tasks.

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#mobiledevelopment #continuousintegration #genymotion #bitrise