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GitTogether | Cloud Native Security Landscape | Sangam Biradar

Digital transformation is driving the adoption of cloud-native applications. Cloud-native applications are more complex and pose new security challenges. Organizations need to adopt new security practices to protect their cloud-native applications. Cloud Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) is a suite of tools and services that can help organizations secure their cloud-native applications.

GitTogether | Open Source Dev Containers with DevPod | Hrittik Roy

Many developers are excited about Dev Containers, but until now, people needed to use a managed service like Codespaces or Gitpod to experience that Dev Container magic. DevPod is a new open-source tool that allows users to launch Dev Containers with any infrastructure they have available. DevPod introduces a way to define a development environment that can then be run on any cloud infrastructure or even on a localhost machine using Docker or Kubernetes locally or on the cloud. This talk is all about how you can use DevPod locally or on cloud to run your developer workloads easily.

Gittogether | How to stay technical as an Engineering leader | Robin Gupta

"Every engineer hits the fork in the road in their career, deciding whether to grow as an engineering manager or an architect. The dangling question is: ""How will I keep my technical skills sharp?"" This was the predicament I faced as I transitioned from a Tech Lead to a Senior Management role. My solution? Open source.

GitTogether | Building scalable open source communities | Haimantika Mitra

Whether you are an open source project or an open source company, thriving and scaling the community is a challenge for maintainers. In this talk we will cover how one can build an open source community from scratch, what kind of initiatives and programs to build and how to ensure a healthy contributor-maintainer relationship, along with real-life case studies. 🔑The main takeaways will be.