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A Guide to Free Data Integration Tools

In the 21st-century business world, data reigns supreme. This means that how organizations to store, organize, move, and automate their valuable company data is crucial for overall success. When it comes to data management, having a great data integration solution in place is key. The process of data integration allows users to combine data from multiple sources, creating a data pipeline.

What Is E-Commerce Integration & Is It Important?

Wondering what e-commerce integration is? Here are five things to know: What is e-commerce integration? It's the next step in creating visibility and efficiency in today's highly connected world. E-commerce businesses that are just starting to explore the likes of e-commerce integration stand to gain a major competitive advantage if they follow the established best practices.

API Rate Limiting: How to avoid hitting rate limits in API integration

When talking about API integration, the matter of API rate limiting is unavoidable. Researching what the rate limits of the APIs you’re going to ‘consume’ in your integrations are should be part of your overall preparation for the development of your project scope. It is also a crucial detail to know when you will be designing your integrations; rate limits will define early on what mechanism you need to implement to avoid hitting them in the first place.

Industry pioneers discuss the future of the modern data stack | Fireside chat

Will starships carry #lakehouses? Can the 48-year-old SQL still get the job done? Will #datagovernance finally see a revolution? Fivetran CEO George Fraser caught up over coffee with Ali Ghodsi, CEO of #Databricks, and Bob Muglia, Fivetran Board Member and former CEO of #Snowflake, to imagine a new world forged around the #moderndatastack.