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cdpcurl: Low-Level CDP API Access

Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) provides an API that enables you to access CDP functionality from a script, or to integrate CDP features with an application. In practice you can use the CDP API to script repetitive tasks, manage CDP resources, or even create custom applications. You can learn more about the API in its official documentation. There are multiple ways to access the API, including through a dedicated CLI, through a Java SDK, and through a low-level tool called cdpcurl.

Future of Data Meetup: Continuous SQL With SQL Stream Builder

Continuous SQL is using Structured Query Language (SQL) to create computations against unbounded streams of data, and show the results in a persistent storage. The result stored in a persistent storage can be connected to other applications to have an analytical visualization of your data. Compared to traditional SQL, in Continuous SQL the data has a start, but no end. This means that queries continuously process results to a sink or other target types. When you define your job in SQL, the SQL statement is interpreted and validated against a schema. After the statement is executed, the results that match the criteria are continuously returned.

Quantifying the value of multi-cloud deployment strategies with CDP Public Cloud

In this article, I will be focusing on the contribution that a multi-cloud strategy has towards these value drivers, and address a question that I regularly get from clients: Is there a quantifiable benefit to a multi-cloud deployment? That question is typically being asked when I explain the ability to leverage container technology that offers a consistent deployment environment across multiple clouds and form factors (public, private, or hybrid cloud).

Streaming Market Data with Flink SQL Part I: Streaming VWAP

Speed matters in financial markets. Whether the goal is to maximize alpha or minimize exposure, financial technologists invest heavily in having the most up-to-date insights on the state of the market and where it is going. Event-driven and streaming architectures enable complex processing on market events as they happen, making them a natural fit for financial market applications.

Driving Agility and Scalability through Smart Data

Last year presented business and organizational challenges that hadn’t been seen in a century and the troubling fact is that the challenges applied pains and gains unequally across industry segments. While brick-and-mortar retail was crushed a year ago with mandated store closures, digital commerce retailers realized ten years of digital sales penetration in only three months.

Managing Python dependencies for Spark workloads in Cloudera Data Engineering

Apache Spark is now widely used in many enterprises for building high-performance ETL and Machine Learning pipelines. If the users are already familiar with Python then PySpark provides a python API for using Apache Spark. When users work with PySpark they often use existing python and/or custom Python packages in their program to extend and complement Apache Spark’s functionality. Apache Spark provides several options to manage these dependencies.

Fast Forward Live: Few-Shot Text Classification

Join us for this month's Machine Learning research discussion with Cloudera Fast Forward Labs. We will discuss few-shot text classification - including a live demo and Q&A. This is an applied research report by Cloudera Fast Forward. We write reports about emerging technologies. Accompanying each report are working prototypes or code that exhibits the capabilities of the algorithm and offer detailed technical advice on its practical application.

The New Releases of Apache NiFi in Public Cloud and Private Cloud

Cloudera released a lot of things around Apache NiFi recently! We just released Cloudera Flow Management (CFM) 2.1.1 that provides Apache NiFi on top of Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) 7.1.6. This major release provides the latest and greatest of Apache NiFi as it includes Apache NiFi 1.13.2 and additional improvements, bug fixes, components, etc. Cloudera also released CDP 7.2.9 on all three major cloud platforms, and it also brings Flow Management on DataHub with Apache NiFi 1.13.2 and more.

Future of Data Meetup: Exploring Data and Creating Interactive Dashboards in the Cloud

In this meetup, we’re going to once again put ourselves in the shoes of an electric car manufacturer that is deploying a recently developed electric motor out into their new cars. We’re going to show how to explore some data that has been previously collected through various different sources and stored into Apache Hive within a data warehouse, with the goal of tracking down a specific set of potentially defective parts. We’ll then take the results of this data exploration and create an interactive dashboard that presents our results in a visually appealing way using a BI tool that’s integrated right into the same data warehouse.