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Using executors and stages in k6 with Théo Crevon (k6 Office Hours #40)

Théo Crevon, Senior Software Engineer on the k6 OSS team, joins Nicole van der Hoeven to talk about how executors and stages work in k6, and how they can be used to create load profiles. Théo only recently joined k6, and he's already started working on how to improve scheduling in k6 and making other improvements to how the k6 engine performs.

Store k6 metrics in TimescaleDB and visualize with Grafana

​ TimescaleDB is a open-source database that extends PostgreSQL for better storage, processing, and analysis of time-series data at scale. If you want to know more about TimescaleDB, I recommend you look at the official documentation. k6 is an open-source and extensible load testing tool that generates the results of the testing (k6 metrics) as time-series data. k6 can send metrics to various formats and systems.

Señor Performo's week of load testing with k6 - Leandro Melendez (k6 Office Hours #39)

A new croc appears! Leandro Melendez, aka Señor Performo, talks about what it's like to join the team behind the load testing tool k6. Every new k6 croc does a week of load testing with k6-- here's what he had to say about his first impressions of using k6.

How the new k6 Cloud app plugin makes it easy to correlate QA data and system metrics in Grafana

​ One of the common challenges when doing performance testing is the difficulty of correlating the metrics of your application with your testing results. Having available QA, infrastructure, and application metrics together allows engineering teams to better understand the behavior of their systems during the testing, helping to detect and prevent potential issues in their applications.

How Eurofunk uses k6 for load testing emergency services (k6 Office Hours #37)

Load testing is hard enough-- what if lives were literally at stake? Daniel Knittl-Frank joins us today on k6 Office Hours to talk about how Eurofunk uses k6 for load testing emergency services including the 112 hotline. Interviewing him from the k6 team are Robin Gustafsson, CEO, and Nicole van der Hoeven, Developer Advocate.

What's new with k6 Cloud, with front-end lead Simon Legander (k6 Office Hours #36)

What's new with k6 Cloud? Today, k6 Cloud front-end developer lead Simon Legander talks to us about recent features including improved test scenarios, GRPC and WebSockets support, and a filterable breakdown in the k6 Cloud app. He is joined by Mark Meier, head of Customer Success, and Nicole van der Hoeven, Developer Advocate at k6.

How to Perform Load Testing with k6 using Buddy CI/CD

In this guide, we'll look at adding performance testing to your development workflow with Buddy and k6. k6 is an open-source load testing tool for testing the performance of APIs, microservices, and websites. Developers can use k6 to test a system's performance under a particular load to catch performance regressions or errors.