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Sauce Labs

How To Do Multi-Touch Gestures in Live Testing

Many organizations are working toward digital confidence by optimizing their testing practices. This may look like reconfiguring the delivery pipeline to integrate quality more meaningfully, moving test infrastructure to the cloud, and automating an increasing number of test cases. While all of these are helpful steps on the road to achieving digital confidence, some use cases might not benefit from more automated testing.

How Transformation in Application Development is Driving Innovation and Change in Testing

The way that applications are developed and deployed has changed massively in recent years. From new trends in CI/CD to the use of Kubernetes and containers to increased leverage of AI and machine learning, organizations are boosting agility and enabling increased collaboration, insight and intelligence for their applications. This is especially true for businesses in media and telecom, who see increased demand from users and are responding by embracing innovation (for example, Aberdeen research shows that media and telecom businesses are more likely to be leveraging AI/ML and microservices). To respond to these changes, leading organizations are looking for automated testing solutions that are designed to work with modern development practices.

Quickstart to Automated Functional Testing with Visual Testing

You have decided to add the power of Selenium automated testing to your testing strategy, but are overwhelmed with how much learning is involved. The Selenium automation framework can be intimidating, and getting started with little to no experience can be a massive undertaking for any organization. The good news is that there is a great way to get started with automated functional testing and it’s not what you would expect: visual testing!

1 Simple Trick To Massively Improve Automation Efficiency

Automated UI testing is a daily struggle for efficiency and reliability. A single misconfigured line of code can cost teams in hours of lost feedback time and test error triaging—potentially costing companies hundreds of thousands of dollars. In this case study we will see how interactions with only two web elements led to a 34% degradation in the test execution time.