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Sauce Labs

SeleniumConf Virtual 2020 Recap

This year the Selenium Conference was held virtually, and despite that, the conference again offered an exciting place for the Selenium community to meet in order to share and learn about the most popular browser automation tool in the world. The conference offered talks about improved testing practices, new tools to simplify the setup of automated tests, the future of Selenium, and lots of learnings from speakers who shared their use cases and practical advice for how they use Selenium at work.

Tech Tip: Best Practices For Using Sauce Connect

When your team moves to a cloud testing solution like Sauce Labs, creating a solid, secure connection is likely to be a top priority. One of the solutions to this challenge is Sauce Connect proxy. This is a command line tool that your team can use to create a TLS tunnel from your environment out to Sauce. This can be used to test applications that are not publicly facing; for example, if your team needs access to a local host system or a dev or staging environment.

How Open Source Helps Bring Back Product Obsession

Did you know that one of the Sauce Labs co-founders created Selenium and that Appium was incubated in Sauce Labs? Open source is in our DNA! When a company relies heavily on open source, it is a common practice to develop strategies and long term goals to manage the relationship between the company’s products and the open source ecosystem.

Ten More Commandments Of Automation

Go ahead, search the interwebs. There are more posts and articles on “The Ten Commandments of Test Automation” than you can shake a test case at. Go ahead…I’ll wait. Welcome back! To set the stage, I have not read any of those articles. Well, more accurately, I’ve not read any of them recently; most of them I’ve not read at all. I probably read one or two of them in the “before times,” but I don’t remember any of the specific commandments.

Introducing The Open Source Program Office

Recently, we created the Sauce Labs Open Program Office to focus our attention internally on how we support and contribute to the open source community. Last week, we proudly launched a new web site with comprehensive information about the office, including best practices, contribution guidelines for the Sauce team, and a new blog where Diego Molina and Christian Bromann will write regularly about all things open source. This article is cross-posted from the new blog.

CTB Profiles in Excellence: Duo Security at Cisco

Earlier this year, we released the second iteration of the Sauce Labs Continuous Testing Benchmark (CTB). Based on real-customer data from the more than 3 billion tests run on our platform, the CTB enables organizations to see how their continuous testing efforts stack up against critical best practices and how their own programs compare to those of other enterprises.

Everwell Health Reduces Testing Time by More Than 50% with Sauce Labs

Everwell Health Solutions invents, designs and develops an open source platform called the Everwell Hub that allows healthcare organizations across the world to ensure that everyone has access to high-quality care, especially when it comes to managing health regimens for tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and mental health. Everwell supports the Government of India’s Nikshay platform covering care for TB-affected people in India, with more than 2.4 million cases added to the platform annually.