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The Repurchase Rate: How to Calculate It and Why it Matters for E-commerce

As an e-commerce retailer, which business metrics matter the most to you? Net revenue? Business growth? Conversion rate? All these KPIs are important, but there could be one critical e-commerce metric you’re overlooking: The repurchase rate. All e-commerce business owners worry about how many units of their products or services they’re going to sell, and how much revenue they’ll make. It turns out that focusing on existing customers could be the key to increased long-term revenue. Achieves Google Cloud Ready - BigQuery Designation!

We are excited to announce that has achieved Google BigQuery designation! Google's BigQuery service is a great way to store and analyze large amounts of data. To ensure customers have confidence in their integration, Google engineers do validation tests on the integrations before they're allowed into their system - making sure everything works as expected!

Net Revenue Formula: What Startups Should Know

Starting a small business is an exciting journey, but there are so many metrics to consider, especially when evaluating your success or demonstrating that success to stakeholders. Business finance is about so much more than the number of sales you make. Within the startup world, it’s common to hear of e-commerce companies implying that they are enjoying financial growth from the get-go.

Customer Profitability Analysis in E-Commerce

Five things to know about customer profitability analysis: Digital retailers often talk a lot about 'profit' without ever determining the factors that drive profitability in their businesses. One of the biggest contributors to profit in e-commerce is existing and new customers who purchase products and services from online stores. However, the connection between customers and profitability can be unclear unless you carry out the right kind of analysis.

Cost-Per-Order Formula for E-Commerce Explained

Our Five Key Points: You have a customer. They want a product: you sell that product. It’s simple, but how do you know if you’re charging the right amount for that product? Knowing how to calculate the cost per order is essential in helping you set the correct prices for your products and services. As an e-commerce retailer, you’ll naturally have lower overheads than a brick-and-mortar store.

Stitch vs. Fivetran vs. A Comprehensive Comparison

When it comes to providing the latest and greatest ETL and ELT tools, the platforms Stitch, Fivetran, and are all top contenders. That being said, each platform also has its own set of pros and cons. Ultimately, the best ETL/ELT platform for your company will largely depend upon the needs of your organization. So, which platform will reign supreme for your company in the Stitch vs Fivetran vs matchup?

The E-Commerce Purchase Funnel Explained

Our Five Key Points: If you're an online retailer, you've probably heard of the e-commerce purchase funnel. Some sales experts call it the conversion funnel or simply the sales funnel. It's a way of explaining your potential customer's journey, from their initial impulse to research a product to finally clicking the "buy" button.

The Best Guide to AUR-in Retail

AUR stands for average unit retail. It gives you the average selling price of a product in a given time period. An important e-commerce metric, AUR is typically calculated quarterly. But why is it important? And how can you use AUR-in retail to boost your e-commerce business? Let’s take a look at this important business metric and how's data integration solution can help you bring all your e-commerce data and statistics together.

The Best Integration Platform for Your Business

The crucial metrics for evaluating the best integration platform for businesses are: With the right integration platform in your hands, your IT environment will be faster, more efficient and better connected. However, finding the best integration platform for your businesses is no easy feat. There are many integration platform options for organizations with different needs, from small businesses to massive corporations.