How To Set Up Dynamic Sampling in Moesif

How To Set Up Dynamic Sampling in Moesif

Jun 30, 2022

Join Dylan as we show users how to create Dynamic Sampling rules within Moesif.
In this tutorial, we will cover how to:

  • Determine the prioritization between different rule sets
  • Configure sampling rates for specific users and companies
  • Configure sampling rates for user behavior and demographics via Saved Cohorts
  • Utilize Regex rules to create specific and advanced sampling rates
  • Set sampling rates that apply globally across Moesif

Dynamic sampling is a fantastic cost-savings feature available to customers on our Enterprise plan. Dynamic sampling enables you to control which API calls are logged to Moesif based on customer or API behavior. Moesif will intelligently extrapolate metrics for accurate reporting even with multiple sample rates in place. That means that no matter what rules or sample rates you have set up you can be sure you are still seeing an accurate representation of your data.

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0:00 What is Dynamic Sampling?

0:34 The four types of sample rates

1:16 Navigating to dynamic sampling

1:56 Setting user specific sample rates

3:08 Setting company specific sample rates

4:14 Viewing set user and company sample rates

4:25 Behavior and demographic sampling

4:53 Setting user behavior and demographic sampling

5:40 Setting company behavior and demographic sampling

6:14 Setting sample rates with regex rules

7:23 Setting global sample rates

7:56 Suppressing known bot and crawler traffic

8:05 Suppressing IP addresses

8:39 Outro