[Webinar Recording] ClearML + Apache DolphinScheduler: A New Approach to MLOps Workflows

[Webinar Recording] ClearML + Apache DolphinScheduler: A New Approach to MLOps Workflows

Aug 29, 2023

We are excited to present ClearML + Apache DolphinScheduler: two powerful tools for implementing an end-to-end MLOps practice. ClearML is a unified, end-to-end platform for continuous ML, providing a complete solution from data management and model training to model deployment, and Apache DolphinScheduler is an easy-to-use, feature-rich distributed workflow scheduling platform that can help users easily manage and orchestrate complex machine learning workflows. When used together, machine learning practitioners achieve seamless integration of data management and process control.

In this video, you will learn:

  • How to effectively use both ClearML and DolphinScheduler for automating your workflows
  • Why the integrated solution works for complex projects, such as teaching an LLM to write Chinese!
  • A detailed, step-by-step process of setting up a sample workflow for LLM fine-tuning