
Core Infrastructure Requirements for Today's Data Workloads

There's no doubt that, as a technology provider/integrator, you're likely seeing many customers across all segments looking to advanced analytics and artificial intelligence for optimizing their growth. Given the vast volume of data that these innovations consume or create, it's clear to see the importance of being able to offer your customers reliable, secure, sustainable and scalable data infrastructure solutions.

Hevo for Enterprise Data Excellence

The needs of enterprise data systems are unique. With massive workloads and complex intertwined systems, data teams need partners who can understand their requirements intimately. Hevo can be that partner for you! With a robust system that is seamlessly simple but infinitely scalable, we are ready to support your large data workloads. Our host of new features show our commitment to understanding enterprise needs. With Hevo, you can experience effortless data movement for enterprises.

The Ultimate Data Privacy Checklist For Your Business

It's hardly groundbreaking to mention the importance of data privacy in the digital world and in business…it's a topic we've previously explored. However, acknowledging its significance is one thing, implementing actionable steps is another. This realization is the inspiration behind this article. There’s no need for you to jot anything down or replicate the checklist, as we’ve prepared a downloadable gated version ready at the conclusion of this article. So let’s get into it.

Demo | Snowflake Data Clean Rooms

In December 2023, Snowflake announced its acquisition of data clean room technology provider Samooha. Samooha’s intuitive UI and focus on reducing the complexity of sharing data led to it being named one of the most innovative data science companies of 2024 by Fast Company. Now, Samooha’s offering is integrated into Snowflake and launched as Snowflake Data Clean Rooms, a Snowflake Native App on Snowflake Marketplace.

Ensuring Comprehensive Cyber Resilience and Business Continuity

When a data breach occurs, your response is critical. What do you do first? Do you have a plan for communicating with business units, regulators and other concerned parties? The integrity and security of data infrastructure stand as paramount concerns for business leaders across all sectors. As technology evolves and threats become more sophisticated, the pursuit of an unbreakable data infrastructure remains an ongoing challenge.

What Is a Business Glossary? Definition, Components & Benefits

A solid understanding of internal technical and business terms is essential to manage and use data. Business glossaries are pivotal in this aspect, facilitating improved understanding and collaboration among teams. A business glossary breaks down complex terms into easy-to-understand definitions, ensuring that everyone in the organization, from the newest recruit to the CEO, is on the same page regarding business language.