Play BI buzzword bingo
We use these buzzwords everyday but how accurate are they really?
We use these buzzwords everyday but how accurate are they really?
There is so much talk about the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), especially in the Business Intelligence (BI) and Analytics arena. The most powerful examples revolve around the ability of machines to spot patterns and trends within huge volumes of data.
With the release of Yellowfin 8, we launched our new Stories feature. It was supposed to solve a cutting and pasting issue, but we discovered it solved a problem far bigger than we knew existed.
As a key part of Yellowfin release 8, we recently introduced Signals. Signals delivers automated alerts to users about critical changes in their business. We’ve been using the product internally and have learned four things about how Signals can be used within your organization.
Ever been frustrated by someone having all the answers then realising they don't know why those answers are right?
As we've taken Yellowfin 8 to market, we've been overwhelmed by the response we've had from media and analysts across the industry. We actually shocked the industry a bit because people didn’t expect an established dashboard vendor to be willing to disrupt themselves with two radical new products.