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January 2025

Comparing React component libraries

Whether you can’t decide which React component library to use for your React applications, or you're simply curious to know how the popular libraries stack up against each other, you're in the right spot. In this article, I will compare ten of the most popular React component libraries and evaluate them based on popularity, robustness, and other qualities. The best component libraries have support for other elements of React (like React hooks) and a broad user base.

Laravel Docker containers for development and production

In recent years, both Docker and Laravel have exploded in popularity. In this step-by-step tutorial, we will dive into how to dockerize an existing Laravel app to run it locally. Then, we'll make it ready to run in a production environment, like for a web server. We will also deploy it to Google Cloud Run without getting into Kubernetes or any YAML configs, taking advantage of our Laravel Docker container. Let’s dig in!

How Honeybadger migrated from Sidekiq to Karafka

Background tasks are one of the core pillars when considering web applications for scale. The basic idea is simple: A client makes a request to your web application and in handling that request, your app performs several time-expensive tasks. To allow it to respond to the client faster, the app enqueues a background job to a background processing system. The background processing is then tasked with all the heavy lifting, like computations or I/O operations.