Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

December 2020

End-to-End Testing on a JS App

There’s no doubt which programming language is winning the battle for global supremacy right now. JavaScript has powered past the 12 million developers mark, and 5 million of its loyal fans (some 40%) have come aboard within the last three years. Initially thought of as merely a Java spin-out, it is now used to power everything from machine learning libraries to space exploration robots. But to truly maximize the potential of JavaScript, developers have to implement an effective testing regime.

How to add Bugfender to an Android Project

Adding Bugfender to an Android project is a two-minutes task that can save you hours of debugging in production. In this video we review the whole process from scratch. We start creating an Android app with Android Studio. Then we add Bugfender with Gradle and finally we configure a new App in the Bugfender's Dashboard. We use the last minutes to explain how the different logs work in Bugfender so you can get the most from the first minute.