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February 2020

An Introduction to PHP-FPM Tuning

PHP-FPM (or Fast Process Manager) offers several advantages over mod_php, with two of the most notable being that it is more flexible to configure and currently the preferred mode of running PHP by many in the community. However, if you're using your package manager's default configuration settings, then you're likely not getting the most out of it.

Four Logging Best Practices for Production Applications

Logging is an essential part of just about any PHP-based application; whether in a script or a larger application. However, how little is too little and how much is too much to log? If we don't log enough information, when something goes wrong, as it invariably does, then we won't have enough information available to determine what went wrong so that we can fix the problem. However, if we have too much information, then we'll be unable to filter out the white noise.