Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

August 2024

Choosing a PHP Library based on Performance

Sometimes, performance is the primary requirement when you are picking a third-party library to solve a task in your application. For CPU intensive work, there are often similar alternatives that you can choose from: To find out which one of them is more performant for your use-case, you can set up an experiment with microtime/hr_time calls and run them against each other. But: this provides fewer insights than running your tests directly with a Profiler such as XHProf or Tideways!

Dealing with MySQL Lock Timeouts: Bail faster

When using MySQL and InnoDB you will inevitably run into lock timeouts sometime, somewhere. We have recently started seeing this with some of our Shopware 6 customers in their storefronts or worker queues, so I was reminded to go back to 2017 in our codebase when we put a fix in place. In our case, this happened on tables that were constantly written to from many different sources in the code base.