Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

March 2020

Now's the Time to Perfect Your Customer Experience

As the COVID-19 outbreak progressively impacts the world, many companies are grappling with the strain. It’s a very uncertain time for business right now. Even with so many factors out of your control, but there are a few things you can do proactively to protect your business. Keep your customers happy. Do everything you can to provide the best customer experience and remedy leaks early.

3 Growth Hacks for Data-Driven Marketing

With this click-bait title and an answer as short as “more leads, better leads and cheaper leads”, I could wrap this article up in one sentence. Yet, even though that answer would not be very far from the truth for many startups, there is a lot more to it. Marketing is all about measurable results. The days when you could buy a billboard next to a football field without asking a few critical ROI questions are long gone.

3 Reasons Why Machine Learning Anomaly Detection is Critical for eCommerce

Do you still find yourself visually monitoring dashboards for anomalies? That leaves catching revenue-related issues to chance. It’s become humanly impossible to catch incidents on streaming data. This is why many eCommerce and data-driven companies have adopted automated anomaly detection.