Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

April 2021

Create and Run Jobs with a Cypress Test in Github Actions

In this video, you will learn to set up two simple jobs with GitHub Actions and Saucectl to create a pipeline that builds and tests an example web app, as well as runs a test on Sauce Labs' virtual machines using Testrunner Toolkit and Sauce Control. Starting from a project set up in a previous tutorial, learn to add jobs to a github workflow .yml file. Use Actions to start a Sauce Connect Proxy Tunnel, install saucectl, and use it to run an automated test using Cypress.

Github vs Gitlab: An Impartial Guide

In our latest tools guide, we wanted to gather insights from a number of real users of these two giants in the Git & version control space to help you decide between using Github or Gitlab for your latest software development project. “GitHub is a common and easy-to-use website to host code in a way that's shareable with a large number of people”, states Melanie, Content Director at KitelyTech.