Kong: Open Source Trends Driving Digital Innovation in 2021
Innovation is the bedrock of our technology-fueled economy, but even in an era when long-standing industries continue to be disrupted by startups with new technologies, innovation continues to accelerate.
Open source software remains as a key enabling technology for digital innovation. Developers spark innovation by test-driving new technologies, acting as early adopters for the ones that prove useful and creating path dependencies that lock in open source as a preferred architecture at their organizations.
Join this roundtable discussion with CNCF CTO Chris Aniszczyk, Kong CTO Marco Palladino and Head of Product Marketing at Kong, Christian Paulus, to gain insights into recent open source trends that drive digital transformation, including:
- Adoption and challenges of Kubernetes, microservices and service mesh
- Modern infrastructure environments to build, deploy and run applications with distributed architectures at scale
- How the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) builds and shapes the cloud native ecosystem