From Raw E-commerce Data to Customer Segmentation and Sales Forecasting With Keboola and Streamlit

From Raw E-commerce Data to Customer Segmentation and Sales Forecasting With Keboola and Streamlit


Building customer segmentation and sales prediction models is a very complex task that involves numerous teams, as it is crucial for data-driven companies. Now, you can use seamless data templates with Keboola & Snowflake to gain insights in just 45 minutes!

Discover how to transform raw Shopify data into actionable insights. In this lab, experts will teach you how to go from extraction to interactive visualisation. You will learn how to:

  • Leverage out-of-the-box data templates by Keboola
  • Perform seamless RFM analysis of retail data
  • Using enhanced Snowpark capabilities for predictions
  • Visualise predictive models using Streamlit
  • Deliver valuable business insights to empower stakeholders to make data-driven decisions