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G2 Winter Reports: Keboola Strikes Gold in 5 Categories

After another round of G2 awards, Keboola is shining brighter than ever. This season, Keboola struck gold where it really counts: in customer service and satisfaction. With a world-class platform, we provide our users with the product and user experience they need to excel in their industry. Here’s a breakdown of the G2 awards featuring Keboola.

Česká spořitelna: How the Biggest Czech Bank Builds Data Products in Days Instead of Weeks

Česká spořitelna is the biggest Czech retail bank with 4.5 million clients across 400 branches. Running a bank of this size brings its own data challenges from strict regulatory compliance via a wide range of data management needs, to almost limitless product possibilities within the data-rich environment.

The 7 Top Data Engineering Tools in 2023

What’s the difference between knowledge and wisdom? Knowledge is knowing Excel is Turing-complete. Wisdom is not using Excel as your database. The best data engineering tools make your life easier. Speed up processes, simplify complex operations, give you insights into the machinery, and maybe save some $ along the way. In this article, we’ll give you an overview of the 7 best data tools for data engineering use cases.

The 6 Best FREE Open-Source ETL Tools in 2023

Data integration can be a daunting task, and data engineers usually prefer open-source ETL solutions because of their transparency (you can always inspect the code), flexibility (tinker with the tool), and price performance (no vendor licenses, no maintenance fees). But there are many “gotchas!” with open-source tools you need to consider before picking the best tool for the job.

Move Data from Google Sheets to BigQuery

How do you link BigQuery with Google Sheets? Importing a table from Google BigQuery to Google Sheets is quite easy. In fact, you can connect BigQuery tables directly to the Google Sheets spreadsheet with a couple of clicks using Connected Sheets, the new Google BigQuery data connector (check the full instructions here). But what if you want to move data the other way around? That is, how do you send Google Sheets data to your Google BigQuery data warehouse? Now your life becomes a bit more complicated.

6 Best Data Extraction Tools for 2022 (Pros, Cons, Best for)

A data extraction tool can help you speed up one of the most error-prone engineering processes: collecting raw data from different sources. In this article, we are going to analyze the following 6 market leaders in data extraction: Before we dive in, let’s look at all the problems you can avoid by implementing a data extraction tool.

7 Best Data Transformation Tools in 2022 (Pros, Cons, Best for)

The data transformation process reshapes data from a raw mess to a business goldmine by: Using a data transformation tool streamlines the entire process and saves you time and energy on these valuable but tedious tasks. In this article, we’ll explore the 7 best tools on the market for data transformations. Each tool will be evaluated with Pros, Cons, and a clear decision for who this tool is best for. Are you in a hurry?