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How software quality platforms outrank single-point solutions

If you’re a quality engineer and software developer doing manual or automated testing, you’re almost certainly using single-point solutions. These can be great for specific problems but they lack the flexibility to deal with multiple issues at once. Thankfully, there is another (better) way to tackle challenges that also benefits teams and organizations in the long run.

How Automated Visual Testing Will Redefine the Testing Pyramid

Even the best error-free code is sometimes foiled in the visual rendering stage. You’ve done everything right — but even so, the screen resolution threw off your grid or a pop-up banner that covered your call-to-action button. Now your website is losing out on conversions, or your app is frustrating users who are unable to perform basic functions. Visual tests identify these kinds of issues before they reach your end users.

How mobile apps fuel the digital transformation of businesses

Today, the world is much more connected than it was a few years ago. Smartphones have brought an explosion of new technologies and applications that have fundamentally changed our lives. Why so? It's down to mobile applications. Mobile apps play a vital role in the broader process that advocates for digital transformation.

Agile testing methodology: A complete guide for agile testers

Rigidity, delayed updates, or slow time-to-market - these problems can turn software testing into a bottleneck to the development pipeline and eventually a hindrance to the company’s overall growth. This is where agile methodology enters the scene, offering a flexible and responsive testing solution. Since its introduction, agile principles and practices have been popularly adopted among development teams who aim for fast, effective delivery and exceptional software experiences.

Streamline Test Failure Analysis for Quality Engineering Teams

Automated software testing powers faster releases and higher-quality user experiences. As developers make changes to the applications, automation engineers, test leads, and developers work together to resolve issues that occur on some of the automated tests. Test failure analysis activities allow these teams to perform root cause analysis (RCA) for these failures. These activities can take increasing amounts of time as the scale of automated testing grows.

Envisioning a better Copilot

GitHub Copilot has been the subject of some controversy since Microsoft announced it in the Summer of 2021. Whatever your feelings about the matter, Copilot is likely here to stay. So that got me thinking — perhaps there are more important questions to ask about Copilot. If developers are going to use an AI-assisted code generation tool, it would be more productive to think about how to improve it rather than contemplating its right to exist.

Rethinking Test Automation to Address Business Challenges

To be a leader in any industry is to be a leader in technology. In the whirlwind of digital transformation, innovation happens every day with software and software quality at the forefront. To not be left behind, now more than ever, CEOs, team leaders, and decision-makers should rethink software quality - the single most important element that determines their success.