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Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation in Manufacturing: Why, What, and How?

As the digital and physical worlds converge, the businesses of varied sectors are experiencing a seismic shift. While businesses are rapidly changing the ways how they function, however, the increasing customer demands and expectations, are making the need for this shift lightning-fast. Digital transformation in manufacturing industry is a significant trend that is taking place at a rapid pace.

Calculating the Cost of Your Business's Digital Transformation

Digital transformation has the potential to streamline your business processes, lower operational costs, improve customer satisfaction, and contribute to revenue growth. Once you build a digital transformation blueprint and follow the steps, you will have a business positioned for long-term success. Although digital transformation projects can help you save a lot of money in the future, you still have to pay for digital technology that leads to cost savings.

Digital Transformation in Retail Industry: The New Future

Have you noticed how quickly the retail industry is changing? It's all thanks to digital transformation, which is happening at an incredible pace. We bet you're curious about why this shift is happening and what's driving it. Don't worry, you're not alone in your questions. Many people are wondering about the same thing. With each passing day, we see new technologies and IT solutions being adopted by retailers to stay ahead of the competition and offer better user experiences.

Why automated testing is the fastest and safest path to digital transformation

Companies are moving to the cloud faster than ever. Currently, organizations deploy an average of 130 SaaS apps per organization — and this number is growing. According to Gartner, 95% of new apps are expected to be built in the cloud by 2025.

Why should you put gear towards digital transformation in the Automotive Industry?

Just be honest, when you were 12 years old, did you ever imagine that your life would be this much digitalized by 2024? If you take your memories a decade back, wouldn’t it be difficult for you to think about how technology will be so infused into your lives in the coming years? Well, as you know every industry has been now digitalized directly or indirectly and the Automotive industry is no exception.

Digital Transformation in Aviation Industry: What's your take?

Airports are now heavily inclined towards integrating self-baggage drop facilities to ensure a hassle-free experience and eliminate long-standing queues. Plus, some airports are also introducing smart baggage trolleys to help passengers locate wherever they want to go at just their fingertips. Well, these are just a few of the innovations in the Aviation industry because the list is never-ending. Nevertheless, did you know that the airports using this new technology have seen some amazing results?

Digital Transformation in Healthcare: Bane or a Boon?

What exactly comes to your mind when we say ‘Digital Advancements’? What’s the first thing you think of when you hear the word? Is it cloud technology? Digital transformation? Gen-AI? Blockchain? Or everything that caters to Digital Transformation as a whole? We know that the last sentence is the one you’ll prefer. But has it ever come across your mind why digital transformation solutions are taking all the limelight from different industries?

What is Digital Transformation and its importance?

In today's rapidly evolving business era, organizations are not merely adapting to the digital transformation journey, they are actively driving it. Moreover, the statistics surrounding the growing nature of digital transformation in businesses are nothing short of staggering and you can see it below yourself.

Digital Transformation in Utilities [Including Use Cases]

In a world where technology reigns supreme, there’s a revolution underway that’s turning industries upside down and blowing everyone’s minds. What are we talking about here? It’s called digital transformation! Moreover, the extraordinary features of digital transformation services have become more than just a buzzword, like a game-changer, literally. And not just among a few industries but rather every single industry present in this world!

Evolution and Examples of Digital Banking Transformation

In 2023 and beyond, leveraging digital banking transformation will continue to be a prominent. How? Well, technology, like its influence on other emerging markets, is gradually transforming the field of financial services in every manner. However, the sector has a long road ahead, as banks are still experimenting digitally. Meanwhile, consumer behavior and demands have also evolved to a great extent.