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Recognizing Changes in Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and Incorporating Them into the Testlio Process

Being a volunteer in the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), I have witnessed a lot of the change as it happens and I participate in the group as a way to help define how the rules are tested both manually and in the automation tools. Even though I might not be a key player in the group, being invited into the task force allows me to stay up to date with the latest updates and best practices.

Unlocking QA Coverage Efficiency Through Signal-Driven Testing

Signal-Driven Testing (SDT) is a core component of Fused Software Testing, a transformative framework and approach to software quality assurance. SDT focuses on the opportunity for product teams to make better and faster product quality decisions by aggregating, synthesizing, (signaling) and actioning data that exists across internal and external systems.

How fusing manual and automated testing transcends tradeoffs

The age-old debate of manual and automated testing has often left teams at a crossroads, searching for a way to strike a harmonious balance between speed and effectiveness. However, in the world of software development, evolution is the name of the game. Enter “fused testing,” our approach that transcends the conventional notion of QA tradeoffs and broadens the horizons of QA strategy.

Fused Testing - The Best of All Worlds

What company hasn’t been torn between different test strategies and methodologies? With fused testing strategies, you can reap the benefits of methods historically depicted as incompatible. Not just automated vs. manual strategies but dedicated test teams vs. on-demand testers. Beyond that, fused testing integrates your DevOps systems tighter with your QA systems, allowing you to drive new testing based on DevOps feedback.

Closing the Gap: A Guide to Enhancing Your QA Strategy

For argument’s sake, even if you think your QA strategy is picture-perfect, you’re likely deficient in one area. Don’t panic… you’re not alone. Most companies face major QA issues that hinder their ability to deliver top-notch software. Identifying and addressing QA gaps is pivotal, whether it’s a shortage of skilled testers, limited device and O/S coverage, or automation.

QA vs. QE: What Is the Best Approach for Your App Testing?

The debate between QA vs. QE and manual vs. automated has raged on. But it’s high time to end the “versus” mindset. Instead, we should focus on the strengths of both methodologies, recognizing that they play pivotal roles in ensuring top-notch user experiences and high-quality products. QA, emphasizing manual testing and exploratory techniques, provides the essential groundwork for identifying issues early in development.

How Performance Management Tools Increase QA ROI

As part of your integration stack, performance management tools are an excellent way to increase data reach and optimize staffing power in your testing runs. These tools provide critical telemetry data, enabling you to address issues faster, streamline your dev pipeline, and ensure continuous functionality. Integrations, like performance management tools, are critical to our new QA framework, signal-driven testing.

10 mobile testing types and approaches

Users download over 250 billion apps on 5 million Android and iOS devices – yet over half of all downloaded apps are uninstalled within 30 days. The slightest flaw could prompt an uninstall as the user looks for a more user-friendly alternative. This highly competitive supply and demand means you must ensure through mobile testing that your mobile app’s quality, usability, and security meet expectations and exceed them.

Signal-driven testing: A new QA framework

Product leaders must garner multiple insights from traditional and non-traditional data streams for a more robust picture of QA needs. Enter a new approach, Signal-Driven Testing (SDT), which offers a more agile, efficient, and intelligent approach to software testing. SDT overcomes the traditional limitations of testing in isolation by harnessing real-time signals to continuously refine test coverage, targeting precious QA resources on the things that matter most over time.