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7 Things to Know about SaaS Application Testing

As Software-as-a-Service model continues to adapt and evolve, so does SaaS Application Testing. Cloud computing allows providers to deliver software in an unfussy, unmessy way. As the saying goes, “nothing to download, nothing to install.” Granted, not every SaaS app is a web app, but most of them are, so that will be the focus here. Users simply enter their credit card deets, et voila: Access!

10 Mobile testing types and approaches

Mobile phones have evolved well beyond their once solely utilitarian value thanks to the plethora of applications available on the market. Today, there are over seven million apps available across the Google Android and Apple iOS platforms, so customers have a bevvy of app and game options to choose from. This highly-competitive supply and demand means you must ensure through mobile testing that the quality, usability, and security of your mobile app not only meets expectations but exceeds them.

Ten minutes to master OTT testing

OTT testing targets Over-The-Top (OTT) apps/streaming services that deliver media content exclusively via the Internet, bypassing traditional distribution channels. Some superstars? Netflix, Spotify, YouTube, Crunchyroll, Disney+, Showtime, HBO Max, and Amazon Prime Video. Due to the inherent complexity of their systems, streaming services are prone to experiencing software bugs that can disrupt the user experience.

The ultimate guide to payments testing

Today’s online businesses are wrestling with 20+ forms of payment, from traditional e-transfer to cryptocurrency to afterpay programs. Globalization adds different currencies, languages, and privacy concerns not present in real-world transactions. Payments testing utilizes different software tests against a set of predetermined parameters to check performance and where there’s a need to build out or improve capabilities.

Sarbanes-Oxley Act Violations as a Catalyst for Payment Testing

For many CTOs, daily operations are a balancing act of maintaining systems and cutting-edge technology while complying with the laws and regulations relevant to their host organization. But what happens when you miss a step and have Sarbanes-Oxley Act violations? If you’re willing, it can lead to a culture shift that embraces compliance, QA, and testing to prevent future issues.

Localization testing is critical to ensuring global brand consistency

Extensive software testing is required to ensure global brand consistency when deploying to new locations and targeting new audiences. In light of location and language nuances, your product needs to fit the needs of its intended audience, speak to them in terms they understand, and provide a user experience that feels so intuitive it drives adoption and long-term retention.

Insider Tips for Better Payment Experiences

With the rise of fintech companies, SaaS, and new digital channels to sell goods and services, creating superb payment experiences has quickly become critical to any business that collects payments and pays out funds. Whether you offer a B2C or B2B product or service, ensuring seamless payments has never been more crucial. Ensuring these great payment experiences can only come through extensive payment testing strategies covering many device, user, and O/S combinations.

Three Models for Building A Software Testing Team

Depending on which article you read, we’re either headed for a deep recession or may avoid one altogether. With so many economic indicators and mixed signals, it’s anyone’s guess. One thing is for sure – managing software testing capacity in light of hiring freezes and layoffs is top of mind for software engineering leaders. Even if your company has the budget to hire in-house, building a software testing team while navigating macroeconomic uncertainty is difficult.