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Keep Your Tests in Sync with Code Versioning

Keeping up to the pace of software changes with good acceptance tests is challenging, and can often put a lot of pressure on the relationships between teams. Being able to detect issues faster and earlier in the development cycle is crucial to shipping good software quickly, but communicating those changes is always challenging -- and if software changes, so must the tests.

Testing Before Releasing with Ghost Inspector and Netlify

We've recently released a new plugin for Netlify that allows you to automatically run Ghost Inspector tests on every deploy, including deploy previews! By default, Netlify deploys your production branch on every change. To enable deploys for other branches, follow the Netlify instructions: With branch deploys enabled, you can now run Ghost Inspector tests on your website before deploying to production!

Test Management with QADeputy & Ghost Inspector

Quality assurance is a broad initiative. Ghost Inspector strives to be an all-in-one tool when it comes to browser automation. However, QA teams often use a range of products to cover all their testing needs, like API testing and load testing. This can lead to testing-related data being scattered in various places. QADeputy is a service that aims to centralize your QA operations — and it integrates nicely with Ghost Inspector.

Continuous Integration Testing for WordPress

While continuous integration is a common practice for most development teams, the stateful nature of WordPress makes it difficult, but not impossible, to setup. For our open source WordPress plugin, we wanted to integrate our standard build and test process for every pull request using CircleCI. While it might be easier to setup a permanent staging environment, we wanted every build to be isolated for dependable testing.

Automated UI Testing for WordPress

Many websites and even applications online are built on top of a CMS. According to recent survey data, WordPress has a 60% market share, making it the most popular CMS by far. The next closest competitor, Joomla, has only 5.2%! But unlike bespoke software, many people don’t test their WordPress website. While the core of WordPress is fairly well tested by it’s creators, users, and the open source community, the same cannot be said for every plugin and theme.

Develop a WordPress Plugin Using Webpack and React

Ghost Inspector is an automated browser testing tool for continuously monitoring websites. We recently released our WordPress plugin to show test results inside your WordPress admin dashboard. In this tutorial, you will learn how to build your own plugin using React, Webpack, and the Ghost Inspector API. You can view the final source code on GitHub.

Ghost Inspector's New WordPress Plugin

Ghost Inspector is an automated browser testing tool for continously monitoring websites. Many of those websites run on WordPress. After lots of demand from our users, we've built a plugin to show your Ghost Inspector test results right inside your WordPress admin panel. The plugin enables you to display the latest test results for a single suite on the dashboard of any self-hosted WordPress installation. Keep reading to learn how to install and setup the plugin.

Deploy and Test Your App using VSTS, Azure, and Ghost Inspector

Visual Studio Team Services is a one-stop-shop for managing source code, custom packages, agile workflow, and continuous integration. Having recently released our VSTS extension for Ghost Inspector, I thought it would be a fun idea to test and deploy an app with a Microsoft toolchain, namely Visual Studio Team Services, Microsoft Azure, and Ghost Inspector using our new extension.