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Kong Gateway 2.2 released!

We are happy to announce release 2.2 of our flagship open source API gateway! Those were some busy three months since the release of Kong Gateway 2.1! We have pushed a number of patch releases in the 2.1 series, we’ve had our first fully-digital Kong Summit, and of course, we’ve been very busy building new features that are now shipping in Kong Gateway 2.2!

Announcing Kong's AWS DevOps Competency

Kong Enterprise is a service connectivity platform that provides technology teams with the architectural freedom to build, operate, observe, and secure APIs and services anywhere. From Kong’s inception, we’ve been aligned with Amazon Web Services (AWS), enabling our customers to quickly and efficiently deploy Kong on their AWS accounts. As companies move from monolithic to microservice applications and beyond, Kong helps teams manage this transition.

Transform Your Requests/Responses With the Kong Reedelk Transformer Plugin

Creating an API contract and corresponding Kong service are often just the first steps in the API development process. More often than not, the upstream services that are invoked provide a different contract to the one presented to the API consumer. This is especially the case in larger organizations where enterprise applications offer their own out-of-the-box integration contracts. Likewise, you shouldn’t expose the complexity of your upstream systems to your API consumer.

Kong Embedded: A New Way of Deploying Kong Enterprise on Edge Devices

Today, we’re excited to announce a new research project we’ve been kicking around at Kong: Kong Embedded! If you’ve used the Kong Gateway before or heard us talk about it, one of the things we’re very proud of is that Kong Gateway uses a very small resource footprint. It’s a small download in size, is blazingly fast on even constrained hardware, and uses very little memory.

Introducing Kong Konnect

We are proud today to announce the future of service connectivity – Kong Konnect! Kong Konnect is the only full stack connectivity platform that is designed from the ground up for the cloud native era, delivered as a service. It accelerates the journey to microservices, secures and governs APIs and services, and it allows developers to rapidly design, publish and consume APIs and services. Konnect was built from the ground up with the unique needs of developers, architects and operators in mind.

Kong Ingress Controller 1.0: Battle-Tested and Production Hardened

About two and a half years ago, Kong first announced our Kubernetes Ingress Controller. We were stepping up to invest in the Kubernetes community by building a full-featured API gateway that operated in a Kubernetes-native way. Since then, we – as well as the rest of the broader Kubernetes ecosystem – have hit a number of additional milestones. Our Ingress Controller has run in tens of thousands of Kubernetes clusters, and we’ve continued to expand its functionality and stability.

Kong Named a Leader in the 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Full Lifecycle API Management

In 2018, Kong was first positioned onto the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Full Lifecycle API Management Market as a Visionary. This in itself was a very impressive feat given that Kong was started as an open source project just three years before that. I believe Kong’s progress on the Magic Quadrant in this short span of time speaks to how we have aligned Kong’s solutions to our customers’ most challenging problems.

Kong for Kubernetes 0.10 Released With Ingress v1 Resource, Improved Ingress Class Handling, and More!

Kong for Kubernetes is a Kubernetes Ingress Controller and a full-fledged edge-router which can route traffic to any destination of your choice. In addition to Ingress management, it provides enhanced security and management capabilities. With Kong, you can use Kubernetes not just for running your workloads but also for securing and monitoring connectivity between your workloads – all managed via Kubernetes manifests .

Multi-Cluster & Multi-Cloud Service Meshes With CNCF's Kuma and Envoy

When we first created Kuma – which means “bear” in Japanese – we dreamed of creating a service mesh that could run across every cluster, every cloud and every application. These are all requirements that large organizations must implement to support their application teams across a wide variety of architectures and platforms: VMs, Kubernetes, AWS, GCP and so on.