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Technology Spotlight: Apache Iceberg

At Cloudera, we are committed to staying true to our open source roots and working well within the communities is critical to that. Since 2021, we have supported the growing Iceberg community with hundreds of contributions across Impala, Hive, Spark and Iceberg. We look forward to continuing the momentum as companies embrace the open lakehouse. General release now available in the Cloudera Data Platform.

Introduction to Cloudera Edge Flow Manager

This video is a 101 introduction about Edge Flow Manager (EFM), the Cloudera Edge Management (CEM) solution for managing and monitoring Apache MiNiFi agents at scale. The video goes through all the different views of the user interface to demonstrate and explain all of the features for designing flows, publishing flows to the agents, execute remote commands, monitoring the agents, etc.

Hello, Spark! An intro to Apache Spark using PySpark in the Cloud

If you’re new to the world of large-scale data analytics, this session is for you! We'll cover the basics of what problems Apache Spark can solve, why and when to use Spark, and how Spark enables efficient use of time and computing hardware. We’ll also demonstrate how easy it is to run a PySpark job in the public cloud using the Data Science Workbench and Cloudera Data Engineering Products.

Data & The Culture Transformation

TechCrunch and Cloudera invite you to a conversation about the data transformation underway that is changing how information is used and the very nature of business. The emerging data ecosystem will allow enterprises to work collaboratively with customers, partners and even competitors around the world to integrate disparate data sources for a more complete picture of their business’ present and future.

Technical Demo - Universal Data Distribution With Cloudera DataFlow for Public Cloud

Hands-on demo for Cloudera Data Platform’s Universal Data Distribution (UDD) Service using CDF for the public cloud. This demo shows how to build ingest pipelines that move data from anywhere in the business to any other system, software, or workflow. In this particular demo we will show how the UDD service enables automation of ingest and data delivery across multiple public cloud providers into other analytic systems.

Technology Spotlight - Tailored Support Designed for You

Cloudera’s Long Term Support (LTS) model is here, and in this video, Chief Product Officer Sudhir Menon gives us the run down. Cloudera LTS gives organizations confidence in moving to the next stable version of the Cloudera Data Platform, while maintaining security and performance. With the new LTS release model, Cloudera is committed to supporting our customers large and small—both on-prem and in the cloud—in the most secure, performant, and risk free way possible.

The Best Time to Kickstart your Data Strategy is Now

Organizations with data strategies in play for more than a year found that those strategies were more successful and more effective. Cindy Maike, VP of Industry Solutions and Value Management explains how kickstarting your data strategy now will help your business meet unforeseen challenges to the industry.

Commerzbank | Unleashing Hidden Data Treasures for Customers

Like many financial institutions, Commerzbank was challenged with staying flexible to meet customer needs, while also meeting regulatory compliance. In this Movers & Makers, Justyna Lebedyk, Product Owner in Big Data for Commerzbank, talks about how their digital transformation with the hybrid cloud and Cloudera allowed them to overcome this challenge.

Future of Data Meetup (2022): Using Apache Iceberg for Multi-Function Analytics in the Cloud

Iceberg is a high-performance table format intended for large-scale analytics that ensures easy accessibility of data stored in multiple file formats common in the Hadoop ecosystem for different use cases common in the lakehouse architecture. During this meetup, we’ll assume you’ve never heard of Apache Iceberg and explain the basics: what problems the Apache Iceberg project is addressing, how iceberg works, what features iceberg tables offer and how you can put Iceberg to use in your own data projects that utilize Hive, Spark, or Impala.